Site Plans for Landscaping
Our 'pre-landscape design' plans are designed to cater for
Landscape Contractors
Landscape Designers
Home Owners
Using the latest laser scanning technology we scan the area to be landscaped and produce a photographic image that can be viewed in a browser.
However, this is much more than a photograph as it contains useful information that can be measured to determine precise location and heights. This enables more accurate design of such things as pathways, steps, retaining walls, garden beds - the complete picture.
IMPORTANT: at this point we must point out that we are not landscape designers and as such our plans are not finished landscape plans inclusive of planting schedules or hard & soft landscaping detail etc. Our plans are for 'Pre-Design' and form an accurate base for landscaping professionals, to work from.
This information can be used by
The designer to formulate an accurate landscape plan with quantities and planting guide.
The Contractor whilst on site using the browser in a tablet or even mobile phone enabling reliable information at the job site.
The homeowner to distribute to potential landscape contractors or even designers when seeking quotes, enabling more accurate quoting and less scope for errors and potential 'out of scope' money claims.
In some situations where extensive hard landscaping is proposed on or next to a property boundary a boundary survey may be necessary.
Your professional building consultant can advise or if you are in doubt feel free to call us